Certification Courses

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Reflexology is an established holistic modality recognized by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) as a body-based modality. This ancient technique is a non-invasive drug-free modality that supports and enhances our body’s own innate ability to balance, repair and restore itself. Individuals interested in practicing reflexology, provide beneficial relaxing therapy for family and friends, for self-care, or to start a new career for yourself are encouraged to enroll.


-Reflexology Defined and Benefits of reflexology
-History and Theory of Reflexology
-Maps Guidelines Terminology
-Anatomy and Physiology
-Body Systems
-Foot and Leg Anatomy and Physiology
-Systems of the body and the Relationships to Reflexology


-Referral Points Documentation
-Scope of Practice
-Business Practices
-Infection Control and the Contraindications
-Specific Reflexology Techniques
-Supervised Hands on Practice
-Homework Assignments

This comprehensive 200-hour program provides the foundation necessary for providing knowledgeable and practical reflexology services safely. This course is designed to prepare you to sit for the American Reflexology Certification Board or ARCB.
For more information on dates and class times, please call or email.

For more information call Janice at
716-238-6426 or email

Reiki I Self-Healing

In this course you will learn the origin, history, and principles of the Usui Reiki Ryoho System; receive an energetic attunement which connects you to the universal life energy; learn the traditional hand placements for treating the whole body; learn self-healing giving Reiki to yourselves and others using the traditional methods.

Manual and certificate included.

Cost: $135

Reiki ll Practitioner

The second-degree training builds upon the basic elements learned in Reiki First Degree; You will continue your study of Universal Energy by adding the use of sacred symbols, which are tools to facilitate connecting with aspects of the Universal Energy for healing. You will receive an energetic attunement connecting you to the usage of these sacred symbols; and also learn the protocols for distance healing.


Manual and Certificate included
Cost: $165
Must Preregister

Reiki lll/Master

Third degree /Master training Includes two more key symbols and is a wonderful experience that will result in further enhancement of your skills as a practitioner. This attunement will enable you to initiate others as Reiki practitioners and Masters.


Manual and Certificate included
Cost: $550

Raindrop Technique

Raindrop Technique is designed to renew structural balance, by
helping to align and clear energy centers of the body without force
or deep pressure, but by a gentle, relaxing application of essential oils.
In this class you will learn Vita flex technique, the oils of Raindrop
and their properties, along with the application of the essential oils.

Cost: $ 175

Kinesiology: What is Muscle testing? An Introduction

Kinesiology is a tool which allows you to enhance your performance in every aspect of your performance. Muscle testing (a.k.a. muscle monitoring) is a biofeedback mechanism that provides us simple and direct access to the biocomputer that is our being and allows us to assess and upgrade its performance.


Kinesiology l: Basics
-How to Do Accurate Muscle Testing
-How to Find Blocked Energy
-Kinesiology and Energy Meridian Balance

Cost: $225

Kinesiology ll:

Nutritional Testing and Balancing
-Basic Principles of Nutritional Testing
-Testing for Food Sensitivities
-Testing for Vitamins and Supplements
-How to Determine Dosages and Frequencies
-Testing for Environmental Sensitivities

Cost: $225

Kinesiology lll
Energetic Kinesiology

Prerequisite: Kinesiology Basics Workshop Both Days: Energetic Kinesiology
-The Body as a Hologram – working with Physical, Emotional, Mental, Spiritual Bodies
-Identifying and Correcting Vibrational Coherency Issues
-Working with Color, Sound, Frequency to Balance Chakras and Aura
-Identifying and Correcting Limiting Beliefs (“Money doesn’t grow on trees!” for example)
-Setting and Balancing Goals (ideal diet, ideal exercise, for example)
-Clearing Past Life, Present Life Traumas

Cost $290